Chiropractic Board of Australia - Codes and guidelines
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Codes and guidelines

The Chiropractic Board of Australia has developed codes and guidelines to provide guidance to the profession. These also help to clarify our views and expectations on a range of issues.

Guidelines are approved by the National Board and may be used as evidence of what constitutes appropriate professional conduct or practice for chiropractors in proceedings under the National Law or a law of a co-regulatory jurisdiction against a health practitioner.

Explore our website to view policies, codes, guidelines and position statements. For additional information on the Chiropractic Board of Australia’s guidelines on advertising please read the Statement on advertising


Document PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Common Protocol - Informing notifiers about the reasons for National Board decisions  PDF (91.8KB) Word version 
(58.6 KB,DOCX) 
1 August 2018

Codes and guidelines

Document PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Guideline - Informing a National Board about where you practise  PDF (152 KB)  Word version 
(590 KB,DOCX)
1 August 2018
Code of conduct

For more information see Code of conduct page 
PDF (323KB) Web page  29 June 2022
Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about registered health practitioners* PDF (250 KB) Web page  1 March 2020
Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about registered students** PDF (150 KB) Web page  1 March 2020
Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service PDF (192 KB) Web page 14 December 2020
Guidelines on continuing professional development (CPD) PDF (197 KB) Word version 
(152 KB,DOCX)
1 December 2019 
Supervised practice framework

For more information see Supervised practice framework page
PDF (202KB)  Web page 1 February 2022 
Supervision guidelines

For more information see Supervised practice framework page
PDF (76.0KB)  Web page 1 February 2022 
Guidelines for clinical record keeping for chiropractors PDF (177 KB) Word version
(183 KB,DOC)
From 27 March 2013 
Managing health records – Self-reflective tool    Web page  20 April 2023 
Managing health records – Summary of obligations  PDF (64KB)  Web page  20 April 2023 
Guidelines for the further education and training of chiropractors when required under the National Law PDF (105 KB) Web page 23 March 2014
Social media: How to meet your obligations under the National Law   Web page 11 November 2019

The Supervised practice framework was updated in April 2023 to reflect the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia adopting the framework from 1 April 2023.

Position statements

For more information, please see Position Statements.

Policy directions

Under Section 11 of the National Law, as in force in each state and territory, the Ministerial Council may issue a National Board with policy directions.

Document PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Policy Direction 2019-01 - Paramountcy of public protection when administering the National Scheme
Policy Direction 2019-02 - Requirements to consult with patient safety bodies and health care consumer bodies on every new and revised registration standard, code and guidelines
8 January 2020

Additional information

Document PDF Accessible format  Date of effect
Summary of research to inform registration standards review PDF (117 KB) Word version
(30.1 KB,DOCX)
23 October 2019 

FAQ and Fact Sheets

For more information, please see FAQ and Fact Sheets.

Retired Board codes and guidelines

From time to time, the Chiropractic Board of Australia reviews and updates the codes and guidelines it developments to provide guidance to the profession.

The retired codes and guidelines have not been removed from the Board’s website because complaints or concerns made about chiropractors during the time the Board guidance was in effect may still be subject to the notification process.

Document PDF Date of effect
Retired version: Code of conduct for chiropractors  PDF (180 KB)  17 March 2014 to 28 June 2022
Retired version: Guidelines for the supervision of chiropractors PDF (507 KB) From 21 February 2013 to 31 January 2022
Retired version: Guidelines for advertising regulated health services  PDF (155 KB)  To 13 December 2020
Retired version: Guidelines for mandatory notifications  PDF (149 KB)  To 29 February 2020 
Retired version: Guidelines on continuing professional development (CPD) PDF (464 KB) 1 December 2015  to 30 November 2019
Retired version: Guidelines on continuing professional development (CPD) PDF (273 KB) From 30 June 2010 to 30 November 2015
Retired version: Code of conduct for chiropractors PDF (518 KB) To 16 March 2014
Retired version: Guidelines for mandatory notifications PDF (415 KB) To 16 March 2014
Retired version: Guidelines for the advertising of regulated health services PDF (453 KB) To 16 March 2014

*The Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about registered health practitioners have been updated on 29 June 2020 to include minor formatting and word changes and changes to the flowcharts on pages 20, 22 and 26 of the guidelines.

**The Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about registered students have been updated on 29 June 2020 to include minor formatting and word changes and sections 39 and 40 of the National Law in Appendix A.

Page reviewed 31/05/2023