Chiropractic Board of Australia - Information on panel hearings
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Information on panel hearings

Under the National Law1, the Chiropractic Board of Australia (National Board) has the power to take a range of actions after receiving a notification, investigating a registered chiropractor, or conducting a health or performance assessment.

These actions can include:

  • a decision to take no further action
  • referral to another entity such as a health complaints entity, or
  • taking immediate action if this is necessary to protect the health and safety of the public.

If the National Board believes that a practitioner’s conduct or performance was unsatisfactory or that his or her health is/was impaired, it can:

  • caution the chiropractor
  • accept an undertaking from them, and/or
  • impose conditions on the chiropractor’s registration.

Alternatively, the National Board may decide to refer a matter to a panel (either a health panel or performance & professional standards panel) or a tribunal.

More information about panel hearings can be found in AHPRA’s Panel hearings - Fact sheet on the Notifications and Outcomes page of the website.

1The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (National Law).

Page reviewed 8/07/2022