Chiropractic Board of Australia - Media release
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Media release

05 Jun 2013

The Chiropractic Board of Australia has published a downloadable logbook to help chiropractors keep a continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio that meets their legal obligations.

Continuing professional development log book – now available from website

Chiropractic Board - Media release - 3 June 2013 (200 KB,PDF)

The Chiropractic Board of Australia has published a downloadable log book (203 KB,PDF), Word version (393 KB,DOCX) on its website to help chiropractors keep a continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio that meets their legal obligations.

The Board’s Continuing professional development registration standard, which all chiropractors must meet, requires all practitioners to maintain a portfolio of evidence of their CPD activities.

A chiropractors CPD portfolio must include:

  • a record of all CPD activities undertaken
  • an explanation of how the activities relate to their practice
  • an evaluation of the activities, to determine whether the desired CPD outcomes have been achieved
  • evidence of all formal courses undertaken or conferences attended
  • completion certificates from training or education providers (if relevant), and
  • record of any self-directed or informal CPD, including what activity was undertaken and for how long.

The log book can be downloaded by chiropractors for free; and can be used electronically or as a hardcopy. The log book will help chiropractors address many of the CPD portfolio requirements of the CPD registration standard.

Practitioners should pay particular attention to the recommendations in the log book about recording their reflection on the activity to help them gain the maximum benefit from their CPD.

Download the log book (68.1 KB,PDF), Word version (447 KB,DOC).

To use the template:

  1. print or save the log book to your computer
  2. complete your details in the relevant sections
  3. update log when new activities have been completed, and
  4. retain a copy of the log book for 7 years.

For more information

Relevant Board publications

Document name Description PDF Accessible format  Document date
CPD log book The CPD Log for download PDF (203 KB) Word (393 KB,DOCX) 12 July 2013
Chiropractic continuing professional development standard The CPD registration standard, which all chiropractors must meet under the National Law PDF (380 KB) N/A 1 July 2010
Chiropractic guidelines for continuing professional development The CPD guidelines, which all chiropractors must meet under the National Law PDF (261 KB) N/A  1 July 2010
Codes and Guidelines page Information about the current assessment and approval process for CPD activities   Codes and Guidelines page  
Criteria for ‘approved bodies’ assessment of formal learning activities The Chiropractic Board of Australia’s criteria for external bodies to assess CPD activities PDF (387 KB)  N/A 12 May 2011

General and media enquiries

  • Lodge an online enquiry form
  • For registration enquiries: 1300 419 495 (within Australia) +61 3 8708 9001 (overseas callers)
  • For media enquiries, please call 0417 127 822.
Page reviewed 5/06/2013