31 Jul 2019
The Chiropractic Board of Australia (the Board), along with four other National Boards, has today published its revised continuing professional development (CPD) registration standard1 which will start on 1 December 2019 and replace the existing standard.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council approved the revised standard, one of five standards being revised by various National Boards, on 30 June 2019.
The revised standard provides more flexible options for meeting the requirements and practitioners are expected to undertake CPD that is evidence-based and improves patient health outcomes, safety and experiences.
The revised standard will apply to applicants for renewal. CPD requirements apply after practitioners have become registered so applicants for initial registration will need to meet the standard the first time they renew their registration2.
The standards were revised after a joint scheduled review, which included public consultation. National Boards today published consultation reports providing a summary of the consultation processes, rationale for any changes and proposed way forward, including areas where further work is planned.
The revised standards are being rolled out to align as much as possible with the renewal cycles for each profession to allow preparation time where there are changes from the existing standards. Please visit AHPRA’s Registration standards page for additional information and resources.
Resources about the revised standards
The following resources about the revised standard are available on the Registration standards page.
2In most cases the National Boards’ CPD registration standards do not apply to applicants for initial registration.