Chiropractic Board of Australia - Chiropractic Board launches public consultation to update record keeping guidance
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Chiropractic Board launches public consultation to update record keeping guidance

The Chiropractic Board of Australia (the Board) is reviewing guidelines on record keeping for chiropractors and want to hear from you.

Public consultation on the Guidelines – Clinical record keeping for chiropractors (the guidelines) opens today. The Board wants to hear from chiropractors, the public and other interested parties about options for updating the guidelines, including the Board’s preferred option of retiring the guidelines.

Board Chair, Dr Wayne Minter AM, noted the need for the review given the guidelines were developed over a decade ago.

‘The National Scheme and regulation of chiropractors has significantly matured since these guidelines were developed in 2013 and we want to ensure our policies and guidance reflect current expectations and practices.’

Dr Minter also referenced other resources the Board has published to support record keeping since the development of the guidelines.

‘In 2022 the Board adopted the shared Code of conduct, which contains a section specifically referring to health records. And in 2023 in conjunction with other Boards, the Board published new health record management resources which included a self-reflective tool and a summary of obligations.’

‘With this in mind, the Board is looking forward to hearing feedback from stakeholders, chiropractors and the public about the options for the guidelines’, Dr Minter said.

The consultation will be open until Friday 2 May 2025.

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