Chiropractic Board of Australia - Forum - Workplace-based learning
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Forum - Workplace-based learning

The Chiropractic Board of Australia (the Board) held a successful stakeholder forum focusing on workplace-based learning: from theory to practice in Melbourne on 28-29 July 2018.

The forum included a mix of interactive presentations and small group activities encouraging participants to explore the application of best practice in workplace-based learning to a range of practice settings.

Participants were able to build on their understanding of workplace-based learning principles and consider how these may be applied to their own small group or solo practice. Other topics explored included establishing peer-to-peer learning opportunities, development of identity as a lifelong learner and opportunities to link workplace-based learning experiences to continuing professional development.

The forum was presented by Ryan Brydges (Professor in technology-enabled education at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada), Rose Hatala (Director of the Clinical Educator Fellowship at the Centre for Health Education Scholarship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada) and Liz Molloy (Professor in work integrated learning in the Department of Medical Education, The University of Melbourne).

Forum resources

Forum highlights video

Presentations and panel discussions

The majority of the forum’s presentations were interactive with multiple breaks for participants to work in small groups. The following end-to-end presentations (not interactive) are an indication of topics discussed.

Day 1 – morning: Ways of learning in the health professions

Day 1 – afternoon: Developing a professional identity in the workplace

Day 2 – morning: Research around communities of practice

Page reviewed 21/05/2019